Monday, 20 July 2009

Interesting Times

There's an old chinese curse,
"May you Live in Interesting Times".
And last week really qualifies as that, it was pretty lousy as weeks go with all sorts of work shenanigans and issues, and it culminated on Friday with getting rear ended at a T junction on the way home from the office. No major damage, just a cracked rear bumper but I felt pretty shocked and very rough all evening, with lovely friends concerned that I might have a concussion. A good night's sleep sorted all but the headache fortunately.

So Saturday had an unsurprisingly slow start, with an enormous reluctance on my part to do much of anything. Plans to decorate had to be changed as my Brother who was going to come over and help was in quarantine, his wife has suspected swine flu. With only four weeks to go to Irene and Mike's wedding it was a great opportunity to get the supplies in. So, off to Hobbycraft for A0 sized card for a table plan, coordinately place cards and table numbers and other sundries. Well it'd have been rude to go and just buy the essentials wouldn't it?

Another drive onto my scrapping home, Sugar and Spice for some personal fun bits and then to another local place for the peel offs. Followed up by a quick trip to Waitrose and by now my feet were in full on protest, so I dropped into some friends for tea and cake.
Sunday saw the welcome return of an old friend. My get up and go! I dd three loads of laundry, made a wedding card which will also double as my next Design Team post, and the first Order of Service card. Just waiting for the boss' approval on this one before I do the next 19. She wanted something plan and simple along the lines of her invites which were done by someone else. I hope she likes it.


  1. The order of service looks perfect ...hope they love it.
    Missed your post on 'purrs' and have just read it. I'm with you ...what a revelation! ...not.

  2. Hope the headache went..hate waking up with one, spoils the whole day. O of S is lovely; very understated.

  3. They can't NOT be pleased. It's lovely :)

  4. Sorry to hear you had a bleugh!!! week. May this one be very different for you!

  5. Hey glad you are feeling better, the order of service look great, i hope they like them. Sorry to hear about your brother and his wife.

  6. Sorry you had a lousy week, the order of service looks lovely, I'm sure she'll love it x

  7. ooohhh thats lovely, simple but elegant!
