There are a few more cards to add up once I've taken the photos. I'm also making a start on this year's Christmas cars after seeing a fabulous DIY Snowman punch by Martha Stewart. I love 'production line' card making, you have to concentrate but it doesn't stretch you too much mentally and you end up with a nice output of stuff to show for it.
I had my birthday last week, and it was a really nice day. I got taken to lunch by Phil at the Magic Mushroom. Had a gorgeous lunch starting with squid in a sweet chili and coconut sauce which was divine. We both then had the pork steak with apple veloute, red cabbage and I had dauphinoise, my current favourite way to eat potatoes. We'd mentioned it was my birthday and they brought this gorgeous plate out for my dessert. Then I went to Sugar and Spice and treated myself to a bag full of crafting loveliness and a great chat with Marion and Rick. Loads of fun.
Lots of birthdays this week, best get on and make some cards!